B-57 Triple Booster Set

Box and Stickers


Nova Neptune Vertical Trans


Victory Valkyrie Upper Quake

Chaos Oval Gyro

You can also find my pictures on the Beyblade Wikia.

Spin to the First Mail Day: Gearing Up in Canada


I recently got into researching throwing and buying my first throws. In some ways, that interest is simply an extension of my interests for spinning tops–namely Beyblades. Both share quite a few similarites: they’re small, spinning and mechanical, and both can be customized, albeit in different ways. Whereas Beyblade is a game that opposes two players, and as such its customizability is clearly defined and constrained by official releases, yoyos presents itself as an individual skill contest, which allows for broader and more creative, if more subtle modifications.

Getting into throwing in the current Canadian economy can be a daunting process, as the market is not very well developed in the country, whether online or through regular retail. Working against the exchange rate and the limited access to free shipping can be frustrating, especially when you end up paying for an average Duncan Drifter what an American would pay for his excellent YoYoFactory Shutter. However, since we’re not limited to officially yoyo-licensed products, there are alternatives to save a few dollars on throwing gear. Continue reading

Nocto’s JK:JA Skinning Tutorial

This tutorial was written many years ago and I have not revised it since it was last published. The purpose of this post is therefore primarily archival.

Nocto Skinning Tutorial

Note: Before we begin, I know that some poeples mix up skinning and modeling. so just to be sure, here is a quick definition of both.
-Modeling is the art of Shaping, creating something in 3D.
-Skinning is the art of painting a model, giving it textures.

Another thing before we begin, the two files below are must-have if you want to skin

ModView: http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/Mo….%3Cli%3EModView

Pakscape: http://eliteforce2.filefront.com/file/PakScape_V_011;1327

That said, we can begin. Continue reading

White Box #3

And here is another new white box, this time in a more portable format. Someone I know bought new shoes recently, and was about to throw away the box when I realized I could use it to make a new, much smaller white box. So I took it, painted the interior with white spray paint, which had been for years lying around in my room. The usual method of taping or gluing printing paper to the inside would also work, but I wanted to try something different. Continue reading

White Box #2

A while back, I decided to trash my previous white box for various reasons. A few days ago, I decided to make a new one. This one is made from a cardboard packing box, which I got at the store I work at, and a dollar store tablecloth, which I cut and attached to the inside with thumbtacks: in sum, a $1 white box, slightly more expensive than the previous one, which was entirely made from recycled material, thus free. The resulting box is more manageable, but less flexible. Still, I have hopes it will perform as well or better than the previous one, even if the light-reflecting panels are no longer adjustable. View Picture

Bolt Blades #3

I have some parts of the prototype well under way, of which you will find pictures scattered at the end of this entry. First however, I want to describe what I had envisioned the project to look like and where I’m headed now.

The basic concept hasn’t changed: to make a working, customizable spinning top with the most effective lock mechanism possible. Bolts and nuts are not only common, they’ve proven to be effective, both in real life and in the last Beyblade series. Continue reading

Bolt Blades #2

The way Beyblades are assembled was the main theme of the first entry, and I made the sketch above shortly after posting that entry. The sketch strictly, and crudely, represents how each parts are meant to fit together, and may not resemble the first prototype, of which I’ll show some parts in the next entry. Continue reading

Bolt Blades #1

The last Beyblade series of spinning tops (Metal Fight) ended a year and a half ago, and prices for older Blades have suffered from an extreme inflation, reducing to null my Beyblade purchases. I’m also currently discontent with the management at the World Beyblade Organization: My interest for the game has not diminished,  however. It is with that mindset that I have been pondering my own Beyblade design, and with Summer about–removing most of my off-the-clock work–I may actually have time to build a working prototype. The following paragraphs are a written breakdown of the design: there is, as of yet, no sketches or photographs, but that should soon follow. Continue reading

Engine Gears

Engine Gears and Base Clutches are the defining gimmicks of the G and GT series of the original Beyblade toy line, and my personal favourites.

Basically, the Engine Gear is a Spin Gear (the core of the Beyblade, on which every parts connect and on which the launcher tabs hold) powered by a wind-up motor—a set of gears and a coil spring—that when activated, makes the tip at the end of the shaft spin vigorously. Of course, it is not without flaws: Continue reading

Guide to Beywiki Photography

Sometimes, point-and-shoot photography is not enough to get the image we want. Sometimes, you have to go the extra mile. My goal here is to provide simple tips to improve your photographs and get that extra oomph when showcasing your amazing Beyblades, without having to spend the money a professional studio would. You will still need a decent camera

Continue reading

“In the Brawl” by Jonathan Blanchette

Today marks the iTunes release of my friend’s first full-length studio album. While digital copies have been available for a few weeks on the Aquafight Records website and that hard copies will soon follow, I wanted my blog post to coincide with the release on a more popular platform, and use the opportunity to give some of my thoughts on the album and the artist himself. Continue reading

Boîte à lumière

Pour ceux qui ne sont pas familiers avec le concept, une boîte à lumière sert à diffuser la lumière dans un certain espace. Plus spécifiquement, la boîte utilise des murs de couleur pâle pour réfléchir et amplifier la lumière provenant d’une ou plusieurs sources lumineuses. Son utilité est plus technique qu’artistique, servant généralement à faire des photos qui seront nettes, réalistes et détaillées plutôt que des images créatives. Continue reading

White Box

For those not familiar with the concept, a white box is a structure used to diffuse light within a certain space. Specifically, it uses light-colored surfaces to reflect, and amplify, the light emanating from one or many light sources. Its uses are more technical than artistic, when showing an object in the clearest, most realistic and most detailed fashion is more important than any creative composition. Continue reading